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Friday, January 10, 2014

Rosie Bowsie Pony Rider Bows

Ok as I am writing this I am also crying/dying inside of cuteness. I recently found the most ADORABLE line of ribbons for the pony rider & have completely fallen in love with a set of hair ribbons (Who would have thought?) 

Rosie Bowsie 

As much as I want to step back into the pony ring now after seeing these, I can't... so the next best thing I can do is sell them in my shop!

The best thing about these bows is they come in three different sizes/shapes and that they are completely customizable- I really don't think any two bows are the same. You are able to pick any color your heart desires, throw an initial on it or keep it two tone, add sparkles you name it! 

The Pony Pom $18 for the set
Ittie Bitties $20 for the set
Standards $24 for the set
Fat Boys $30 for the set

and lets take a moment of silence for the Custom Hermes bows created just for Equestri Lifestyle! (Available in the Ittie Bittie & Standard)

For orders on pictures shown and custom orders, contact: We ship for free! 


Ittie Bittie

custom bows created for a client headed to HITS Thermal